Friday, May 20, 2016

Blogging again

So, I apparently took a 6 year hiatus from blogging!  Life got very busy and I struggle with taking the time to write down all that happened, mainly because I try to be way too detailed instead of just giving a brief synopsis of what happened! So, now that our kids are now sleeping through the night, and don't require the intense care they used to, and now that we are far away from friends and family, and soon to be farther still, I decided to start blogging again!  We are currently stationed in Maryland for what we thought was going to be 3 years.  However in February, a month after we arrived, we found out that we were being sent to Nairobi, Kenya at the end of the summer.  We are beyond thrilled to go, but we are trying to cram as many experiences here in before then!!
We jumped right in here, only had to live in a hotel for a week.  God was so faithful in finding us a house that was just perfect for us!  Our kids did become pool sharks while at the hotel while we waited to move into our house.
We played nearly every night!  I was actually really impressed with how well they did.
We moved into our house on Friday, and the boys started school for the first time ever the following Monday!

They were excited, but it was a little hard for mommy as I had had them around for the last 8 years! I actually missed the chaos!But we got some special time with Kimber who was in preschool last semester.
We have adjusted to the new normal.  We get up as a family, take the boys to school, Kimber and I go walk in the mall, run errands, and then do school. Daddy gets to join us for lunch and lately we have been spending the afternoons going through things in prep for moving.  I have also spent any free time up at the boys school, helping Benaiah's teacher go through and organize her files.  I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to be up there around my kiddos, and helping.  The girls in his class love Kimber! It's a win win!