Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Productive Week?!?!

So just a little taste of what goes on in our house on a day to day basis, which is primarily why I have gotten so behind in blogging!! :) This week John was really into learning new things. Unfortunately he is not really into being photographed now, and so I didn't capture any in the moment actions, or after actions for that matter!

He learned about painting...himself with toothpaste while he was sitting on the big boy potty attempting to go "poopoo, potty." I had left him there with some books to read while I went to get Ben who had just woken up. Even though he was on the big potty, and not his little one on the ground that he can get on and off of, he still managed to do this. I have come to not be very fond of sinks right next to toilets right about now!!! He did have a nice practice session for this occasion two weeks prior when he woke up ridiculously early and I hadn't let him out of his room yet. He got into some diaper rash ointment that I forgot to put up (I had been meticulous about putting it up before then, b/c he had eaten some once upon a time) and painted the entrance to his room with diaper cream. I did manage to get a picture of the tube of toothpaste (no I haven't cleaned it yet, b/c I'm frugal, er "cheap"and have actually been using the toothpaste!! Can't let it go to waste now can you!)

John has also been trying his skills at cooking, or rather learning about spices...
Later that same morning, while Ben was napping and I was cleaning the kitchen, John was going back and forth between his "toy room" and the living room bringing all his toys out to the living room. I let it slide because it was keeping him occupied, even though we were having people over for Bible Study that evening and the floors needed to be vacuumed, and all the toys put back up. Soon I noticed that he hadn't come out in a while and I figured he was playing with some of the toys still left in his play room. I started hearing some sneezes, but thought nothing of it. I finally decided to go check on him. (I do this either when things are too quiet, or when he hasn't been around in a while, sometimes to make sure he's not getting into anything, but sometimes just cuz I like to watch him play) I found him on top of his little art table swishing around all of the contents of my large Tony Chechere's Creole Seasoning bottle. He had made himself a little sandbox on top of his art table and was having a grand old time, swishing the "sand" back and forth. Poor guy kept sneezing and his nose was running, but he was determined to enjoy his "sand." When he saw me, he kept pointing to his mouth and saying hot. Yeah buddy, that stuff does burn when you move it around so much. Crazy kid. I only know this, b/c again in my frugalness I attempted to pick most of it up and save it and everytime I swept it or moved it, my throat would get hot. Here's a pic of what I haven't yet picked up b/c I gave up when my throat started burning.

John has also learned how to go pee in the bathroom...on top of the potty chair. The next day (Weds) he had been sitting on the potty, "trying to go pee" and then decided he was done, and wanted to wash his hands. I had to leave him standing on his potty chair stool and go get Ben who was getting hungry. I placed Ben in his highchair with some Kix. All of a sudden I hear John screaming, "Mommy, poopoo, potty." I finish what I am doing and go to check on John who has continued to scream this. I look down on the potty chair, and there is definitely pee on there and on the floor in front of him. Well, at least he got the right location!! (Disclaimer: he has since actually peed in the potty, not consistently but he has done it at least twice when we have taken him to the potty to try) Sorry no pics to post of this one.

Our other son has also been doing some growing and changing and being productive. Ben is consistently earthworm crawling if you will and going from tummy to sitting and actually has been found twice standing in his crib. The days I dread when we have to lower the crib mattress and its a longer way down to reach them and that means they are growing up too fast. Here are some pics of his changes, abilities, productions, whatever you want to call them!!
He hadn't been able to go from laying on his belly to sitting, until I walked in after his nap, and he was doing this in his pack 'n' play

sitting up in the bassinet. When did he get to be so big!
Trying to climb out! We did remove the bassinet promptly after that nap.
and being in the crib didn't stop him. I found him sitting up playing with the side rails after another nap, and thus the crib was lowered as well!

Ok, so I had two other videos that I wanted to post, but the blogspot is not letting me post them. Been trying for a week now. One was of Ben doing his headstand to go from on his belly to sitting up, and the other was of him just being cute. So, if I can get them up later you will see them, if not sorry.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The week leading up to our vacation

Well, the week leading up to our vacation was a VERY busy one! We said goodbye to some dear friends, I babysat a girl, who is exactly 7 1/2 mos in between my boys for 4 days, and we went to San Antonio for the weekend, partly to hit up my sister's baby shower, and partly cuz we were flying out of there!!!
Wow, as I look back at these pics, I see why people thought that Ben grew so much while we were gone. He has no hair in these pics and he came back with lots of hair!!! :)

Emma was so great with Ben, and he loved her. Not really sure why his shirt is half hanging off him in these pics. I must have been changing him!! He is way too young to already be trying to pull the "I'm too sexy for my shirt nonsense!!"

She was so patient with him

He even grabbed her hair and she didn't get upset.


John got along for the most part with Emma (a rare thing for an almost 2 year old). I guess he was fascinated by her, and she's pretty easy going so it's not too hard! He actually missed her when she was gone. He would walk through the house calling her name.

Playing peek-a-boo with the bouncer

Adorable smiles for the camera


Helping the Berge's move. One of the families who helped start the small group left us the first week of June. Our group got together to help them load the truck and to pray over their journey. It was a bittersweet time.
Ashley and Evie supervising
John directing traffic

loading the truck

Even the kiddos helped

We might have had too many people and not enough to do!!! :)

Ice cream, when all else fails to keep kiddos entertained give them ice cream!

Baby Shower
One of Sarah's dear friend and close friend of the family, Jenn, threw Sarah a baby shower. It was so good to be able to go to one of her showers, and my mom even got to come. Jenn and Sarah were pregnant at the same time, both with boys and they ended up having their boys within a week of each other. The boys (Chris, Dave, and T) got the experience of watching 3 kiddos while we were away as Laura's girls stayed back at Dave & Sarah's house. Ben came with us, as he refused to go down for a nap before we left. Thankfully everyone had just started waking up when we returned (and we stayed after and talked for a while!) and so the boys weren't too overwhelmed.

Sarah opening a gift, with Jenny & Laura looking on

Some of the presents and the back of the room

Some of the mom's in the room looking on.

Some more moms and soon to be mommy's. Charis on the left was due two weeks after the shower, and was itty bitty.

Some of the cuteness Sarah got!

We had a really good time hanging out with family and friends and helping Sarah & Dave get their house ready for their baby!!

You know it's time...

You know it's time to mow your lawn,

when you nearly lose your child in it!!

This was taken a while ago (Ben has much more hair now) but our grass is just about as high, and I made this comment to one of my neighbors as Ben was sitting in grass up to his shoulder blades, so I just had to post this!