Saturday, February 28, 2009

How to handle the weather

Well, sorry I haven't caught up on all our fun happenings in January & February. Been busy trying to finish my CEU's to keep my nursing license-still keeping it active just in case I need to use it someday. I've gotten extremely sick of looking at a computer screen, so I am not much for blogging right now. Hopefully soon, I'll have things caught up, but for now I'll leave you with this:

John has figured out how to dress in this constantly changing Texas weather (you know the kind that changes from highs of 50's to highs of 80's in a day causing all sorts of colds to spring up-the colds that have kept us sick for the past 2 months)

Randomly John put his beany hat on when I asked him if he wanted to go outside yesterday. It was like 80 degrees, but he felt the need to cover his head. I only wish I had my camera when he was actually outside running around! It was too cute! I guess I'm starting in on the phase of "I'm dressing myself mommy!"

1 comment:

Jen said...

Too cute!!