Happy Birthday Benaiah Seth!!! It is so hard to believe that you are officially one year old. It feels like just yesterday we had you, and you were our low key easy baby who hated sleep. Well you are still our low key easy baby (except for the shrieking that your brother taught you how to do), and you still hate sleep, but thankfully you have finally at 10 months, learned how to sleep through the night. You still have a funky nap schedule. One day you take 2 really good naps. The next day you take one really good nap, and one not so good one, or you don't take the 2nd one. The following day you either take 2 really bad naps (30 min or less) or you refuse to nap at all. And then the cycle starts all over. Crazy kiddo!!
You are our kiddo who is prone to being sick. You were sick for two whole months of your life, to the point of requiring nebulizer treatments. Then again when you got your 4 top teeth in all at once, and once again, you are sick. Poor guy.
You love life
You love to smile-now have learned the gutteral laugh.
When you are done eating you throw your food on the floor.
You know what a dog says "Wo wo wo wo"
You can clap, wave bye, do "So big."
You can climb up a slide and up the stair leading to the slide.
You respond to "I love you" or "Night, night" with "Mmmaw"-the sound of a kiss. It's really adorable.
You have started greeting your dad at the door.
You may say "Mama, but it also may be "More, More" cuz you say it most often when you are in your highchair.
You know what "Uh uh" means, and will shake your head back and forth and say "Uh uh" and stop doing what you weren't supposed to.
You love to throw things on the floor and say "Uh oh"
You lift your hands up when you want to be picked up, or point at people to pick you up.
You pull up on anything, and have on occasion let go, only to realize you aren't holding on, and you immediately squat.
You think Kebap & your brother are the best thing since sliced bread.
You have 8 teeth, and are attempting to pop 4 more, so you have been affectionately nicknamed "Drooley" by our friends.
Our favorite nicknames for you are "Monkey," "Booger," & "Boogs"
You are often found having a blast hiding behind a curtain. This can entertain you for hours!
If your brother is awake, you are often found underneath him,as he loves to wrestle you.
You love to cuddle.
You are quasi lactose intolerant, so finding foods you can eat (since I cook with cheese/cream stuff a lot) has been an interesting challenge!
You have such a sweet spirit, you love people and you get easily offended (ie you have a tender heart). We pray that God would use these qualities to mold you into a man after his heart. We love you Benaiah Seth Morgan, and are so proud that God decided to bless us with you.
Awww! I remember when the little gray kid was born. So sweet, our prayer to see him also grow up big and strong, loving our Lord. happy belated birthday
He is so cute!! I can't believe he is 1 already! And, I must say, that I am so glad that my Wesleigh isn't the only one that likes to tackle his little brother!! It is endless!! I'm glad to see that y'all are doing well. We are good, Wesleigh will be 2 in a few weeks, and Ethan is 9 1/2 months old WALKING!!! Can we say overachiever??!! Congrats on the new bun in the oven!!
One already?! Wow! He is adorable - I especially love the picture of him holding his bottle with his feet. AWESOME.
He looks like such a joyful little boy - it reminds me a lot of the Rach that I know. (o;
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