Monday, December 14, 2009


Yep, still catching up on our summer vacation!

The next day Justin came home (he works away from home 4 days out of the week and comes home on the weekends) and took us for an unforgettable ride in their boat on the lake.

Ben was all excited til he had to get his life jacket on!

Our family in the boat. John wasn't feeling good, and actually looks it, but he thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

The one fairly decent picture of Ben where he's not screaming. That's Justin in the back.

Yep, can definitely tell he's not feeling good (we found out the next day that he had pink eye and a double ear infection).

A family picture on their inner tube behind the boat. It was a 3 seater, that we all rode on!

Here we go!!!

Ben wasn't enjoying the tube ride, so he and I got out and Daddy and John got to go on a ride together.

John had a blast!

I wish the surroundings were this pretty at our lakes in Texas!! It was amazing to be on this beautiful blue (albeit cold) water surrounded by hills and pine trees. Absolutely glorious!

Trying to wave!

A random content moment!

Yep, this is pretty much how he was the entire boat ride. The pics before were just capturing his few good moments!
Daddy riding the waves

John scared for daddy! I think the paci helped calm me down, rather than my kiddos!!! :) It's been in my mouth the last 4 pics

Steph and I getting ready for our turn
Making the first wave

We managed to hold on!!

Daddy has the touch!

After we docked, John climbed in the back of the boat and "played."

Our family pic at the lake

Oh, and that night, Steph made the most delicious meal, YUMM bowls. They definitely fit their name. Pretty much a concoction of whatever you want to put in (rice, chicken, cilantro, onions, etc.) and topped with YUMM sauce. Delicious!

1 comment:

Jennifer Owens said...

Looks like a fun family outing!! (o:

The YUMM bowl thing made me laugh. ONe thing I will never forget about you is how you like to mix all of your food on your plate together. I'm sure these bowls were the perfect meal for you! (o: