Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Museum of the Rockies (Dec 31st)

So, one thing that Montana, particularly Bozeman is noted for, aside from the mountains and skiing, is our research of dinosaurs & discovery of one of the largest "intact" T-Rex's. We have a Museum that is dedicated primarily to displaying the research/bones of all the discoveries. We decided to check it out. Man, a lot has changed since I was last there 10 years ago, but then again, a lot has remained the same. John got a kick out of touching, and feeling, and seeing everything. I found out that the mom of one of my high school friends was super involved in the research of dinosaurs, and was published nationwide. It was a great relaxing way to spend the day. Here are some pictures from our time:

Sarah & John having a conversation on the way to the museum.

Daddy pretending to be a bat. John looks not impressed!

Dave conversing with the locals

John exploring the hands on exhibits!

1 comment:

Jen said...

You may have a paleontologist on your hands! BTW I've called & left a few messages...but haven't heard anything. Give me a ring when you can, Rachel. Thanks!