Thursday, May 22, 2008

2 down 10 to go!!

So, for most of you, this is old news, but for the random few who I haven't talked to or seen, now you have it. We will be adding to our family again this November!! The timing was quite unexpected, but we are excited. Part of why I haven't been on here to blog as often, is I am just plain exhausted. Dealing with a nearly 10 month old, and growing a little one is hard work, especially as I am still nursing, and he still wakes up at times in the middle of the night! I am currently 4 months along. Yeah, I know, I wasn't purposely avoiding telling people. We honestly didn't find out until I was over 2 months, and then after that exhaustion took over.
We are going to wait until the baby is born to find out what we will be having. We probably will do that with all of our kids!! We found a midwife here in Killeen, who is willing to do home births, so we are super excited, especially since we bought our house primarily for the master bathroom jacuzzi tub! For those of you who don't know, John was born in water and it was amazing, and Lord willing, I plan on having all my children in water.
Right now the thing that is weighing heaviest on our minds is weather or not daddy will be leaving us in December (baby will be 6 weeks old). His unit is set to deploy then, but there has also been talk of him switching to a different job prior to it. With the army, nothing is set in stone until it actually happens, so I'm not hoping either way. I know we will both grow tremendously if he is deployed, but I also know we will really enjoy him being here (especially me, as I worry about my energy level which has never been up to par since I was hospitalized our first year of marriage). We are just waiting and trusting that the Lord would put him/us where we need to be.
Well, now back to catching up on the months I'm behind in!!


Anonymous said...

Woo-hooooo! Congrats you guys! I'm tickled for you and will be praying you'll feel better soon and for Chris's job to be worked out to God's greatest glory. Blessings to all FOUR of you!!

Jennifer Owens said...

Congratulations on the happy news! We'll be praying for the upcoming situation in November. It's always a relief to know that God never gives us what we can't handle. Looking forward to meeting the latest of the Morgan clan!

B Whalen said...

Hi Rachel,
We are thrilled for you and Chris. John will love being a big brother....
I hope you are feeling more energetic soon. It is tough when you have an active little guy to chase around. I am working on a blog so I can keep in touch with people better but I am not really blog-wise yet..... I will let you know when I have one up and running. Barbara and Terry Whalen

Julie Carroll said...

That is such exciting news! It is tough to be pregnant with a little one, but I think it helps pregnancy go by much faster. You will love having them close together. My girls are 16 months apart and are best friends. Hopefully you start feeling better soon. I look forward to reading about the progression!