Sunday, January 04, 2009

Daddy's promotion

So, on December 1st, Chris had his promotion ceremony. Thankfully our immediate family (John primarily) was all better, so that we could go to it. Chris's folks were supposed to go, but they ended up getting what we had the week prior. That day was the first day I attempted to drive by myself with the two boys. I made sure I gave myself ample time to get ready and get there on time, as something always goes wrong when you have little ones. I was completely dressed complete to makeup by the time the boys were waking up from their nap. (The ceremony started at noon, and I was going to leave the house at 11:2o) Ben woke up first, and I fed him, and changed him. Then John woke up. I got him up and changed him. By that time it was 10:20. I started to pack the diaper bag, and realized that my wallet, with my ID to get on post, was missing. The house was an absolute disaster area, due to us being sick the week before and not getting anything accomplished. Clean laundry and toys were strewn all over the couches and floor of the living room, where the diaper bag was. I started tearing everything apart. I almost had a nervous breakdown, then I calmed myself and prayed, and said, "Lord, please help me find my wallet. I trust that You are in control, and give me peace." Then, I continued to pray that God would show me where my wallet was, or help me remember where I stuck it. The only problem with that, is that the last I remembered it was in the diaper bag. Unfortunately John likes to take things out of it, primarily my wallet, and he's good about taking it to who knows where.
On top of all this, Ben started screaming. I called Chris and told him my predicament. After a moment of "freak out" on his part, he assured me that things would be ok, and if I couldn't make it then we would cross that bridge when it happened, but he would be ok. I was bawling on the phone, cuz I felt so bad, cuz I knew how important this was to him, and I was trying so hard to be there early with the boys, and it was looking like we may not even make it. Chris called Kirsten, our neighbor across the street to come help watch the boys. She was able to calm Ben down, and John just wanted to sit by her, so I was free to keep looking.
At 11:15, I called Chris, resigned to the fact that I was not going to make it b/c I had looked in nearly everyplace I thought was possible. He asked me if I had looked in our front room. I hadn't, b/c John hadn't been in there recently, and I was going to save it for one last look. Surprisingly enough on top of the file cabinet in there, was my wallet. I then remembered that John had taken it, and walked in there. I had followed him, knowing that if I didn't take my wallet back then he would "lose" it in there. I remembered taking it from him, and then he did something and I had to set the wallet down to take care of it, and I left it in there.
So, I got Ben in his car seat and sent Kirsten on her way overwhelmingly thankful for her helping keep the boys occupied. It was when I got out to the car, that I realized that John's carseat was in the other car. So, I stuck John in the front seat so he wouldn't run down the street and frantically tried to transfer the seat. It always takes longer when you are in a hurry. I finally got the seat and John in and we were on our way at 11:35.
I pulled into the parking lot, which was still a walk away from the ceremony location at 11:53. Chris sent one of his friends, Lt. Thomas, out to help with the boys, b/c I wasn't sure how I was going to get them both inside in time. It's a good thing he did, b/c even walking at top speed, carrying John, we got there right as they were fixing to start. Lt. Thomas, thankfully, stayed in the back with Ben, to make sure he didn't get out of control, and John & I went to sit up front to await when we could pin Chris.

The beginning of the ceremony

Ron talking about Chris

Ron pinning one side of Chris

My attempt at pinning Chris. 1) Ron giving me the pin; 2.) Me trying to pin Chris holding John, which was impossible as his jacket was so thick and the pins wouldn't go through- Notice they caught Chris telling me out the side of his mouth to set John down. 3.) John not wanting to be set down pulling at my leg, while I finally get the pin in, as Ron is fixing to give him his plaque. 4.) Posing with the plaque, and John gets picked up!

Chris giving his "Thank You" speech. I was proud that he wasn't afraid to briefly share the gospel in his speech.

My handsome hubby. We are so proud of you!!!!

Oh, and Ben did great throughout the ceremony, and I even got a break at lunch when Chaplain Holschiser held him for me!


Jen said...

Congratulations, Chris!

Shannon said...


JimKels said...

Many congrats to Chris!!

Rachel...reading your story made me want to run and hide!! Is this what life is to be like for me very soon? Is it really that hard to leave home alone? Wesleigh also LOVES to unpack the diaper bag and he is obsessed with my wallet as well. So, that is why they story frightened me so much...I can TOTALLY see it happening!! Some days I think I will survive boys at 13 months apart, and some days I want to run and hide! Will we survive??