Saturday, January 24, 2009

Meet Benaiah Seth party

This was actually in my drafts, but I couldn't get the videos to load so I moved on. Finally was able to get them loaded, so here you go.

December 5th-8th we went down to San Antonio (Ben's first car trip-which was literally a nightmare. Ben was mostly ok til the end, but John was a terror, and it turned into a 3 1/2 hour trip instead of 2 hour trip due to traffic. We were in San Antonio city limits for 45 minutes before we made it to my sisters house.) to greet our soldiers who were returning from Iraq. They were supposed to make it in on the 5th, but didn't end up coming until the 9th mid morning due to delay after delay. Thankfully we were still able to see them even if it was only for a brief 15 minutes. We had actually left b/c Chris had only taken a 4 day, and it was already the 5th day, and after waiting 2 1/2 hours in the gym they told us it would be another hour (this was after we had woken up at 3,thanks Ben, and then left the house at 4:15 to meet them, only to find out they weren't coming in til 7:30), Chris made the decision that he needed to get back to work. Before we were off of post, Bob called us and asked if we were going to be there. When we found out that they were only 10 minutes away we turned around and went back. It was amazing!! So many emotions came out: knowing that I will have to go through this eventually only heightened the emotions, thinking of all that has happened to those here and those who went, thinking how long 15 months is... It was so good, and almost surreal to hug Bob, Becca, and Cass, and Matt & George.
But all that to say, that this post is actually to post pics from the weekend in San Antonio, and primarily the party that my sis threw so that we didn't have to worry about seeing everyone on our trip. Thank you Sarah!!

Ben & I waiting for folks to arrive. Actually, I think this was taken a little earlier on in the day on Saturday!

Jenny was the first to arrive as she had to be somewhere that evening and couldn't stay for the "party"

Different shots of the room and people talking and carrying on!

This is what John did most of the party: walked around and begged! It was so cute, b/c he would walk up with his hands behind his back, then look up at you, point at what he wanted (usually friendship bread!) and sign "Please!"

Dave & Sarah practicing for their little one!!
Chris took this video on Saturday-not sure where I was! The girl's voice is my sister's, not mine. I guess it could have been while I was sleeping still. Didn't think I slept in that late!! :o)

After church on Sunday, John was fascinated with the projector and screen!

John became quite adept at the dunk!! Thanks daddy!

While we were there, John perfected the art of eating with a spoon, rather than with his fingers!

The only pics we got waiting for Cass, Becca & Bob to come home, as we forgot our camera in the car on the return trip b/c we were in a hurry to get back into the gym!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa! "Practicing for their little one!" Would that be a confirmed little one or would that be a maybe-someday-if-the-Lord-doth-will-it little one???? Inquiring minds want to know!

(Okay, so NOSY minds want to know!)

Great pictures, Ben is such a sweet little guy! We need to see you guys again soon sometime, after we ALL have a clean bill of health!