Monday, April 06, 2009

The big 3-0! The rest of the weekend, aka the ZOO!

Finally, the last of the drafts from February to get posted

On Monday since Chris was off we went to the zoo. We have been wanting to do this for a very long time, especially since John loves animals, but our weekends kept getting filled. But, since the weekend was all about me, (so there was nothing else planned) I decided we were going to take the boys to the zoo. Ben was still young enough, that he would nap in the snugli, and John was old enough to really enjoy it. Plus, I really wanted to eat at Souper Salad, since it has been over a year since I've eaten there, and we don't have one in Killeen. Did I say John REALLY enjoyed the zoo. Well, so much so, that we realized we were only 1/3 of the way done and it was 1 o'clock. We broke down and ate at the zoo, so needless to say I didn't get my yummy salad (and I didn't notice that they had a salad on the menu there, or I might have actually been ok with eating there). Ok, so I totally just made this post about me and my lack of salad, rather than about the boys enjoying the zoo, so here goes our day in pictures:
Reading on our way to the zoo

The first exhibit, John & daddy checking out. Unfortunately these were the only monkeyish animals (the only disappointing part of the zoo, since the monkeys are my favorite)

Bald eagles...They were only allowed to have them in captivity b/c they were both injured and couldn't live in the wild. One was missing an eye, and the other's wing was injured. They were majestic, and invoked patriotism just looking at them!

checking out the numerous animals in the exhibit. I love the look on his face.

John loved the fish. He ran from aquarium to aquarium, trying to "catch" them

Ben also woke up and looked at the fish.

We couldn't figure out what this animal was. It looks like a beaver, except it has a long tail, instead of a paddle like tail.

A perfect place to explore

Checking it out.


What he was looking at: alligators. Those things creeped me out. They do every time.

He was fascinated by the bears. Not sure if you can see behind his reflection, but there's a bear sleeping.

He wanted to play in the water, but we hurriedly moved on. It was quite chilly that day.

Mommy had to get in a picture

This raccoon was sleeping like this. As we were there, his leg dropped off the ledge, and he didn't wake up.

Chris thought this was the coolest picture ever. I didn't post a close up of what the owl is holding, but lets just say he made his kill recently.

Buffalo/Bison. Yes, we have these all over Yellowstone National Park, but we had to get a pic of one in Texas

Ben woke up, and daddy took a turn holding him.

We spent a lot of time at the lions. They were amazing, awake and interactive. The male lion actually roared 4 different times while we were there. It was impressive.

He was constantly pacing, then would stop and spray the rock, then would attempt to play with the female (see pic below)
who wouldn't have it
so he moved back to pacing.


John enjoyed looking at the meerkats.

I wish I had taken a pic of the giraffe standing next to the markings on the wall that indicated how tall it was, but I didn't, so here's a pic of him barely clearing the door.

These itty, bitty, deer like animals were right next to the ridiculously tall giraffes. Strange!

I love the pic of the giraffes in the background, making an "X"

Me and the boys enjoying some African scenery. If that building hadn't been in the background, it almost could've been the real thing!

Rhinos are the strangest looking animals. God sure has a sense of humor!

John climbed up on this bench while we were looking at the African animals, and posed cutely.

We realized that we didn't have a family picture at the zoo, so we took the cue from John, jumped on the bench and took one!
Yay elephants!!

The lemurs (I like to move it, move it...Madagasgar anyone?)

John "pretending" to sleep on the drive home. We found out that if he's extra tired b/c he's late for his nap, then we tell him to close his eyes and pretend to sleep, and he usually falls asleep shortly after that!

All, in all, I was REALLY impressed with the zoo. I was never impressed with the San Antonio Zoo, and in my head as we were driving to the zoo in Waco, I was like, "This zoo is in the middle of Waco, how good is it going to be? San Antonio is a huge city and its zoo is awful, and Waco is just a small city." Needless to say I was quite impressed with the foliage, and the true natural habitat that they created. (San Antonio claims its animals are in a natural habitat, but really, 1.)Snow leopards do not belong in San Antonio, and 2.) A small patch of area devoid of grass, does not count as natural African habitat for elephants & giraffes) The place was a lot of fun, and I know we will definitely go more, especially as Ben gets older and can enjoy it as well. Plus, the kiddos are free til they are 4. NICE!

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