Friday, October 19, 2007

1st Snow (October 6th/7th)

So after the party Thursday night, the weather got mighty cold, and in the morning we woke up to snow. It had already snowed some as there was a good inch on the ground, and it was still snowing. Murphy's Law! 1.) It was Montana State University's homecoming and 2.) We were traveling that day. Since all my family from Helena decided to go out of town for the weekend, except for my Aunt Anna Marie, we decided to meet her and her kids in Townsend (halfway-thankfully we had no mountain passes to traverse!) We were to meet her at 12, so of course, my dad decided we needed to be out the door to eat breakfast at 8. Mom & I had to get some pictures of John in his first snow before we went. He didn't like it. Not sure if it was the wind blowing in his face, causing him to lose his breath, or the cold drops falling on his face! Unfortunately the pictures turned out a bit blurry. Probably cuz we took them when snow was actually falling!! :o)
The time visiting with my aunt and her two boys was great, albeit too short. It has been since my junior year in High School since I've seen her. Ian was only a few months old, (now he's 12) and I had never met Michael their second son. They were such sweet boys, and both were excited to hold John & to give him their gift. John loved the giggling turtle, and cried at the Precious Moment Bear that prayed. My aunt told him he had to learn to like prayer!!
The next day after church we had to get some pictures "sitting" in the snow.
Here are a few pictures from that weekend:

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