Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fun in Language Learning

So, last night I took the boys out to Morgan's Point to visit a friend of mine. As we were driving through her neighborhood, I pointed out some deer to John. He was fascinated. Then, I saw one peeing, and I said, "Look John, that deer is going potty."
"Deer potty?"
"Yes, John, deer is going potty."
We watched it for a few more minutes, then drove on to find more deer (we were waiting til the workers finished paving their street)
"More deer?"
"Yes John, we are looking for more deer, do you see any?"
"More deer?"
"Yes John do you see any?"
We found a few more groups of deer, some with babies, and I pointed those out to him.
"Baby Deer?"
"Yes John baby deer."
"Baby deer?"
"Yes John baby deer."
"Deer un potty?"
"Yes John deer went potty. Let's go see if we can find it again."
Alas, it wasn't there when we drove by, but we were able to go see the snorts and make it to Kathryn's grandma's house.
When we left, the whole drive home (25 straight minutes)
"Deer un potty?"
"Yes, John deer went potty."
"Deer un potty?"
"Yes, John, deer went potty."
"Deer un potty?"
"Yes, John, deer went potty."
"Deer un ......

I guess repetition is key in remembering how to say something. Or maybe my son is obsessed, I don't know. I will probably post pics later of our time with Kathryn & Zaky, so stay tuned.

Oh and also on the way there John kept saying "Itty baby." I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was. I knew it wasn't baby kitty, b/c he said that clearly when I woke him up from a nap he took in the car on Tuesday. He got frustrated with me, and "sulked," and the next thing I heard him say: "Uh oh, bag of trash." I couldn't figure out what he was talking about until I looked and saw big orange bags of cement or sand holding down the road construction signs. Too cute. "Yes John, those look like bags of trash don't they!" was all I could say while chuckling to myself.

1 comment:

Promise 19 said...

I am staying tuned... Thank you SOOO much for driving all the way out to see us. We really appreciated it. It was one of my first experiences of feeding multiple American kids all at once. I enjoyed it. You are a wonderful friend and am praying for you and your fam. Tell John I and baby Zak say hi! Love you