Monday, September 14, 2009

today was a first

So, just today, John became fascinated with a bear that we have. Chris's dad & Penny got it for him a long time ago. It's a mama bear with a baby bear in a pouch in front of her, and when you push her hand, she sings, "Momma said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this momma said." And the baby echoes, "Momma said, momma said." And then she repeats herself.
So, today I see John playing with her, pushing her button over and over and over and over. Then all of a sudden I hear him tell her, "Shoes on. Go outside." (Apparently he does listen cuz I am always telling him he has to put his shoes on so we can go outside)
Then, he goes and actually gets Ben's Robeez shoes and tries to put them on her. I asked if he wanted some help. He said, "Help,please," and brought her to me. I put the shoes on her and he wanted to go outside, so as soon as I got Ben ready (I decided to go on a walk), we went outside. He tried to strap her into Ben's seat, but I told him that Ben had to ride there. He was just going to carry her, but knowing how absentminded he can sometimes be, I suggested she ride in the storage area below so that she could still see everything. He thought that was a great idea, but first he had to put her on his tricycle and see if she could ride the trike!
Of course, once we were on our walk, he wanted to take her out every time he got out, to show her things, especially the splash. I just had visions of her ending up muddy and in the splash, so I somehow convinced him to leave her where she was. Once we got home she ate dinner with us.

Funny, cuz earlier that day he had found his Mickey stuffed animal and I saw him take him to the time out chair, and he set him in there, and said, "Sit, no no...(repositions him) sit, no no...(repositions him again) sit." Pretty much repeated what we have to do with him EVERY time he goes to time out. Then, he started to put him in his booster chair for lunch, and tried to put his bib on Mickey. He had found an oatmeal bar and I had opened it for him. I helped him get Mickey situated, and I look over and he's feeding Mickey his oatmeal bar. Too cute!!

And of course I forgot to grab my camera and capture the moment.

Funny thing, just two days before when it was ridiculously wet and rainy, I was reading in a book my sis gave me about how to keep toddlers busy and safe, and one of the suggestions was to give them a baby doll, and some of their old clothes and let them dress their doll/stuffed animal. I thought, "Nope, John would get so frustrated and bored, not even gonna try that." Hmmph, he showed me.

***Update, Wednesday Sept 16th.
So, today he was back again playing with the bear. Not that he really stopped, but today it was priceless. He again got the shoes and put them on the bear almost all by himself. He also put her in the highchair and fastened the straps, but the thing that took the cake. I see him lay her down on the ground and say, "Diaper." I asked him if he wanted a diaper, and he nodded. So, I went to get him one of his cloth diapers from the diaper bag. He puts it under her, and said, "Uh oh mommy, wipes."
You need the wipes?
I tried to give him a dry wipe, but he said, "No, other wipes" So, I got him the package of wipes and he wiped the bears bottom, and then put the diaper on. I helped him put the cover on. Of course once the cover was on, he wanted it off and the diaper off, and he was done with playing with her, but it was still too cute.
I remembered to capture the moment & got some pics, but I will have to post them when I get them uploaded. Soon. Really.

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