Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Not your typical favorite

So, even though it was slightly drizzly today, I took the boys and Kebap out for a walk. I was just going to walk up to the drainage ditch, so that John could throw some sticks in the "splash." But then it wasn't raining that bad, and it felt good to get out and about, and Ben was having a blast, and John was pointing out everything he saw, so I decided to go a little bit further, and then turn around when it really started raining. Well, I decided to go on a route that I don't take often to see if my Indian friends were outside. I keep trying to catch some of the family outside so that I can talk to the women. I didn't figure they were out due to the drizzle, but I walked by their house anyways. Then I turned down the street that winds up at the corner with the doggies. John was pointing out the blue cars, and the white cars, and the silver cars (well, actually he would say car, and I would say what color it was, then he would repeat me.) Then, out of the blue, John starts saying "Noah, Noah." I couldn't figure out what he was talking about, until I looked across the street and in one of the yards, I saw a statue very similar to this:

I said, "I don't think that's Noah, but I suppose it could be." I then started singing, "Who built the ark? Noah, Noah. Who built the ark? Brother Noah built the ark." John repeated after me, "Noah built the art." Then not even two seconds later, he hollers out, "Other Noah." I looked at where he was pointing and it was a statue of an angel.
Now when you ask most kids who their favorite Bible character, it's usually: Jesus, Mary, David. I rarely hear Noah. But apparently Noah is John's favorite Bible character as he pointed out two random statues and called them Noah.
There could be a lot that plays into this. When we were in Montana this past summer, for Sunday School, John learned all about "Noah built the ark." Here at home, we have a Bible for kids, which simplifies each story. John is always turning it to the Noah story. Maybe cuz he remembers Montana, maybe cuz he likes pounding on everything, and the story says "Pretend like you are building a boat." Who knows? But, I am still trying to figure out why a statue of Mary and a statue of an angel remind him of Noah. All the pictures that we have showed him of Noah look nothing like the statues. Ahh, the imagination of a 2 year old!!

Update (Thursday)
So, John comes up and starts "talking" to Chris, and says something about Noah. Chris asked him what Noah did. "Noah built the art." He has never responded correctly about ANYTHING when we ask him (unless it's what does such and such say), so this was pretty exciting!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Smart kid!