Sunday, March 14, 2010

Random stories/words from the boys

Wow, found this in my drafts. Didn't realize I didn't publish it.

John's favorite Bible Story at the moment is Zaccheus. He loves reading it every night, and then we have to do the song with the actions right afterward. Well, on our walk a couple of days ago, John started climbing a tree. When I asked him what he was doing, he said, Zaccheus climbed a tree. He was acting out the story of Zaccheus. Too cute. Then yesterday he said, too short, can't climb tree (at a different tree)

John is starting to associate words that he hears with words that he has heard before. Saturday morning Chris has the guys from Bible Study over for some disciple time, and prayer time. Dave Haefs ended up staying over, b/c his daughter was going to have her first softball practice just down the road from us at 9. Chris was giving directions, and said turn left at Stan Schleuter. All of a sudden John started mumbling something, and kept saying left. We weren't sure what he was saying until he went to go get his Dr. Seuss book, "Oh the Thinks you can Think" and turned to the page where it says "Left, think of left, and why is it that Beft always go Left." So proud!! :)

The other night we heard him yelling in his room, "Don't fall, don't fall." When I went in to see what was going on he was standing at his window, trying to stack his paperback books in a tower in the window, and was getting frustrated b/c they kept falling. I told him that the books weren't supposed to be in the window, and that's why they fell. I had to snicker to myself as I left the room, after I told him to get back to bed.

So, there are a bunch of weeds around this area this year. John was trying to help our neighbor Amanda pull weeds, and she said, "Be careful, that one has stickers." John got a confused look on his face, and I had to explain that he gets stickers for going peepee in the potty, and that was what he was thinking when she said stickers, and he couldn't find any stickers. So we had to use either owies or pokies, or thorns to describe the "stickers" on the weed. It was too cute.

So as of 16 1/2 months Benaiah has quite the vocabulary,and it's growing every day. It helps having a big bro who we are constantly talking to. Here are some of his current words (at least the ones I can remember):
ball, stuck, uh oh, cat, Tess, meow, bow wow, Bap, cow, moo, poopoo(for poop, pee, and belly button), book, drink, water, juice, please (Mease), kick, Kix, more, hot, tap tap (for what a hammer does), lawnmower (for lawnmower, vacuum, broom), truck, apple, church, snort, light, lights, on, off, up down (for both up there, and hop down), Whoa, Yay, miss (as in missed a basket), go, nose (and he'll point to where his nose is), nat (for nasty), mama, dada, papa, all gone, bump (for when we go over a bump, or if he bumps his head he'll say bump (boop) and pat his head), no, cracker, taco

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