Sunday, May 03, 2009

Random cuteness

John loves "helping" & figuring out how things work.


One of my favorite pics of Ben!

John has recently decided that he loves taking pictures with me, and then having me turn the camera around so he can see what the picture looks like. He also now wants to push the button instead of me pushing it!! Oy, he's going to be an independent little one!!

John is our most random sleeper. We have so many pictures of random positions he ends up sleeping in. One of these days I may just do a post about the random sleeping habits of John. This one he's using his bear as a pillow and is almost cross-legged, sleeping across the bed, rather than up and down in it. Crazy kid

Random goofiness!

Brothers, actually smiling and looking at the camera simultaneously. A rare moment that is for sure!

Tummy time!!!

Apparently John has only just recently started saying please, b/c this is a video of one of his first times (taken March 22). I thought it had been a lot longer than that!

This is one of my favorite things Ben does. He's been doing it for a few months now, and I finally caught it on tape!


Jennifer Owens said...

Cuteness indeed!!! I loved the videos! I love that John's thank you included a blowing kiss! (o:

Jen said...

Such cute boys! Gabe sleeps sideways like your John, too.

~jill said...

Cute boys! Our Desmond sleeps in all sorts of positions too but I can't snap pics because the flash wakes him up... oh well. And nothing is better than the squeals and laughter of little ones! =)