Ever since the Wadens moved to Killeen, John & Mikaela have been best buds. I remember us going over to their house when John was still crawling, and he would just follow her around, and she would show him all sorts of things, and they would just play and play so well together. Then John started walking and he was able to keep up with her better, and she would show him even more things, and they would jump on the couch together and fall down on it, and they would read books together, and they would play grocery store together, and pretend eat the food that they made together. It was sooooooo fun to watch them together. Then when Mikaela started talking better and John started talking, they would have little conversations together. We found them both laying on one of Mikaela's pillows on the floor once. They could get each other laughing so hard. It was adorable! I've never seen John play so well with anyone.
***On a side note, Kiera, Mikaela's little sister was like John's arch nemesis. The two fought like cats and dogs. I think probably b/c they were so close in personality, both very strong willed determined little people. I joked with Laura that they would probably be the ones that end up getting married b/c they don't hardly get along now!
Mikaela and her family left us May 29th to move to Australia, via Pearland, TX for 18 months, to plant a church. Unfortunately I only had my camera with me once of all the times we were together, so I captured these pics while they were playing in my backyard. They just ran around playing and copying each other, and talking to each other. It was so adorable.
Having them leave was also hard for me, b/c Laura became my closest friend here. She was always there with a listening ear as I shared my woes of parenting two, and she kept encouraging me that it can be done, and good days do come! She was like minded as far as missions go, and it was so nice to have someone that loved the world the way I do. She was always willing to have John over to give me a break both before and after Ben. I was always impressed that she was willing to add another child to the mix when she already had two. Since our kids were so close we would try to have play dates frequently. She was always willing to not only listen but to open herself up and share what her thoughts and hurts and concerns were. I love how she completely trusted God, and how she taught me a lot about prayer and loving my husband well. I definitely miss our times.
Not only did John's best bud leave, but Ben's best bud, Trey, left as well. Trey is 9 days younger than Ben which gave his parents and us just another excuse to get together more!! Ron & Leslie (Trey's parents) were some of our first military friends here. Ron was Chris's commander when we first moved and Leslie was the company's FRG leader. We developed a quick relationship, as we are all very down to earth and very similar. It was really neat to watch God work through us, and reach out to them. Chris was constantly sharing Christ with Ron, and encouraging them to come to church. Chris was there for Ron when their soldier committed suicide. He was there for him when he was asking questions. He (we) was there when they were struggling as a couple. Ron was there for Chris as he learned to be a new lieutenant. He was there as he made mistakes. He was there training with Chris for EFMB. He was there walking beside him through the 12 mile ruck march encouraging him to continue taking the next step. Leslie was there for me when I was sick, she dropped everything to come watch the boys so I could rest. When my grandfather passed away, she willingly offered to drive me and the boys to San Angelo for the funeral. She was always offering her time to babysit, so I could get a break. She & Ron consistently came early to Bible Study to help us finish preparing our house for people. She was always an encouragement on the phone. Ron & Leslie became close friends of our whole family, and it was really hard to see them go. We miss them terribly.
Ron & Leslie came over for one last goodbye before we headed down to San Antonio,and they headed off to Virginia via Oklahoma.
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