Thursday, July 09, 2009

Playtime with Nana

So, the first two days that Chris was down at EFMB, we hung out and caught up on things around the house. Chris's mom came over Tuesday morning to hang out with the boys. She kept John distracted and out of my hair while I got ready for Bible Study that evening. Her solution: prune our bushes!! There are 4 bushes along our back fence line that Chris cannot stand. They are just close enough to the fence to keep him from being able to mow effectively, so he's been begging me to let him get rid of them. But for some reason, I like the darned things. She actually did a pretty good job. There was only one that got a wee bit sparse!! John loved following her around and learning how to prune (unfortunately, now, he thinks everything with leaves needs to be "pruned" and plucks the leaves off!). Here's some pics of the day:
Nana showing John how to pick "only the red leaves"

"Did I do it right??"

This poor bush ended up losing all but the main branch. It looks like a twig with foliage on top (aka Charlie Brown Christmas tree) sticking out of the ground.

"Mom what is she doing??"

checking to see what Nana was doing

making sure she was doing it right (for a while, after this, he would try to get the clippers so he could go prune!)

"Here Nana, you missed some"
When Ben woke up, John gave up helping and decided to play on his toys. Ben decided he wanted to come watch.

After pruning and somehow before lunch we decided to go to the park, b/c Nana really wanted to take the boys to the park. John had so much fun with her. He loved being pushed on the swing. She even taught him how to hold on the correct way instead of his superman way.
I finally captured a smile while he was swinging!

trying to go back to the superman "hold" or rather no hold

swinging like a big boy

we brought bubbles and John thoroughly enjoyed chasing them, especially as it was rather windy that day.

returning from the chase

watching the bubbles

trying it himself

He absolutely loves wheels. This is his favorite part of play areas. He runs from one to the next. (His second favorite area is the bars to climb, of course!) He has even been known to use any circular object as a pretend wheel, including cds. Too cute!

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