Wednesday, January 06, 2010

HIking the "M"

One of the hikes we made sure that we did while we were in MT was to hike the "M," cuz everyone does it. Well, probably not the most brilliant thing we did. The trail was entirely gravel, so our strollers did not fair so well on it. Woulda been best with a backpack carrier. Maybe next time! We did this Weds, so Chris would have ample time to recover from his Baldy hike, which he did Monday night with some of the guys from my parent's church! :) He made it up 9.54 miles in 3 hours and 50 minutes going from 5215 feet up to 8728 totaling 4734 climb in elevation, so he was well deserving of a rest before he went hiking again!! :)

This is at the bottom of the hill. There are two ways up. One is a straight up, direct to the M, no stops. It's a shorter distance, but it is straight up, so we opted for #2, which was a roundabout 2 mile hike around the mountain with lots of neat views!

John was such a trooper. He hiked a good amount of the hike, and had a blast!

John showing another woman where to go! He's so helpful

The hikers!

the view about 1/4 of the way up

some of the houses near the mountain. I'd love to live in one of them! What a glorious view!

taking a break! Chris is talking to John, not getting onto him! :)

So, John got a little too close to the edge of the walkway, and slipped and rolled down the hill about 10 feet. My mom went chasing after him as she was closest. He was fine, and only cried for a few seconds. He was more shocked than anything! Thankfully he did it there where there was a lot of flowers and brush, and not a straight down, and rocky slope!

Me getting a chance to push the stroller up (man those wheels kept getting stuck in the gravel-made the going a little rougher)

got a phone call in the middle of the hike from a good friend Jenn asking a pregnancy question! I have to stop and take time to answer such questions!

A family picture. John got a break and rode in the stroller for a while! Notice how only Chris & I are looking at the camera. Hmmmmm, happens a lot in our family picture attempts! :)

Another view about 1/3 of the way up

John wanted to walk again, so grandma walked with him.

and then he talked her into carrying him!

Then she got a chance to push Ben!

and yet another view about halfway up

Peek a boo

I had to pause, so I made everyone turn around and look at me so I could take a picture!

This hike is never going to end! Everytime I thought we were close, there'd be another long turn and more uphill with more gravel, and more pushing. The closer we got to the top there was less trail and more roots and dirt to climb over. So Chris is looking a little annoyed. Plus, Ben was not enjoying it to much anymore! So the solution:
Everyone is much happier!

We made it to the top, hooray!!

the view down from the "M"

A family picture at the bench by one of the legs of the "M"

All of us made the pic this time!

The "M" as much as can fit in when you are right under it

So, it was after 12 noon when we descended down. We went down the first two curves the way we came up, and then there was a fork in the trail, and we took the one that looked familiar, well, it turned out that it was an off road trail, and we were going down steep hills, over rock cliffs, and through brush. So, no pushing a stroller. Chris ended up being sherpa. He carried the two strollers and a backpack. I put Ben in the sling and attempted to carry him down most of the way. There were a couple of sections that Chris & mom slid down, so Chris & mom would go down first, then help John walk down, then pass Ben down to my mom, and then continue on. It was craziness. I wish I had taken a picture b/c it was hilarious! We laughed quite a bit after that!
John fell asleep in the car on the way home, and remained asleep, even with a stop to pick up some makeup for me, and stayed passed out for another 2 1/2 hours! I now know how to get the little man to sleep! Just go climb a mountain!
Plumb tuckered out

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