Monday, January 04, 2010

So I don't forget

So, I've been sorting an organizing mass amounts of pictures over the last week, in hopes that I can get them all organized, so that I can spend one night blogging of all the happenings over this last year. We shall see how that goes. So, while I don't have any pictures, I will leave you with some Johnisms:

Ben is quasi lactose intolerant, so I bought almond milk for him to try, since I'm not big on giving a whole bunch of soy (estrogen) to boys. Well, Ben wasn't too keen on it (made a grimacing, this is nasty face), and pushed it up the table. John thought it was juice and wanted some. The moment he tried it, "Mommy, mommy, icky." I guess neither one of them is too fond of almond milk. Guess mommy will be drinking the rest of the carton.

Yesterday while we were walking (it was trash day) John spotted a Miller Lite box. "Mommy, go, go football," he said. Hmmmm, perhaps we are watching way too much football these days.

I've been taking prenatal vitamins, and everytime John sees them, he says, "Baby." "Yes, John, mommy is feeding the baby." Although now he thinks I need to take them at every meal. I guess he doesn't want the baby to go hungry! :)
Along those same lines, Chris was showing me how his belly looked in his smaller sized uniform and was thus pushing it out. John said, "Mommy, daddy baby," and pointed to his belly. Hmmmm, guess daddy is growing a baby along with mommy!

John has become really into his daddy. Yesterday he wouldn't eat his breakfast taco (no amount of persuading, coaxing, encouraging, standing on my head would work) because his daddy wasn't at the table (Chris was putting his boots on at the couch-he had bought the tacos for us and wasn't going to eat any). The minute Chris sat down, John ate all of his taco.
And this afternoon, we had to pray three times b/c he wasn't holding daddy's hand. He kept asking, "Daddy, hand, pray?" I kept telling him daddy was at work, but he wasn't ok with that. Finally, I said, "John we've got to learn how to pray sometimes when daddy isn't here." Wow, gonna be an interesting year when Chris leaves!

And a cute Ben moment that happened today. I put him down for his morning nap, and he has started to NEED his elephant to sleep with. I handed it to him, he patted it, closed his eyes and went to sleep. Too cute. (He often wakes up screaming cuz he can't find his elephant, and when we check on him at night, he usually is snuggling with it. So precious)


Jennifer Owens said...

Oh those moments are gonna tug at your heart - I just got teary reading about John needing Chris' hand to hold. Precious and beautiful the love he has for his daddy.

Jen said...

Precious! They say the cutest things as they grow;)