Saturday, January 12, 2008


Wow, it's been a while since we've posted anything. Since the week before Thanksgiving we have been in transition. We didn't know when we would be able to move, so we were gradually packing our house. Every weekend there was a possibility that we could move. I never realized how hard it is to gradually pack, not sure what you will be needing and for how long. We finally were able to close on our new house on Dec 8th, and we ended up moving in on that same day. We moved everything into the house, set up our beds, spent the night, and then after church the next day headed back to San Antonio. Chris had another week of training, and I was going to work on cleaning the house. We stayed there until the 14th (John & I til the 13th) then came back to Killeen. We were here for a week, unpacked and organized our house, had Christmas's with Chris's family, and then headed back to San Antonio on the 23rd as we were flying out to Montana on the 24th. After a lot of prayer and running through the airports, we made it into Montana the evening of the 24th, and stayed up there until the 4th of January. Then John & I came down with nasty colds. So, thus, no time for blogging. Hopefully I will be able to catch up here shortly! So these next few posts are going to be about all the things that happened between Thanksgiving and New Years, with the possibility of more than one post a day!! We shall see how good I am (and how much time John gives me!) There's a lot that's happened, but thankfully since returning from Christmas things have slowed down.
So, to start things off, here are some pictures of our moving experience, primarily how the animals responded (some of John), since most of the time I was busy packing or unpacking or directing traffic to snap pictures

With all the packing and rearranging, John gut tuckered out on "Aunt" Shea's lap (3 days before moving day) He did really well moving day, with the exception of a massive diaper blowout! If that's all that happened, I will take it!

Tess sleeping wherever she could find a spot, as most of her sleeping spots kept getting moved. She primarily liked the pile of blankets we kept aside for moving

Kebap, unsure what to think of all the change!

John & Kebap on the Sunday after moving day on the trip back to San Antonio to clean the house.

Tess, checking out new hiding spaces!

For the most part John adjusted pretty well, we tried to keep things on a regular schedule, primarily bath time. However, the new sink didn't have as much counter space to catch the water so it was all over. The below picture is of Kebap trying to catch the water:

Kebap sunning himself in his new back yard! Notice the tile on the back porch! Yay for those hot summer days!

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