Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jerry's Retirement

On Wednesday, May 28th, Chris's stepdad Jerry retired from working at the VA. His coworkers threw him a big party, so John & I joined Chris's mom for it. Unfortunately we left the house a wee bit late, and so missed Jerry's goodbye speech, but made it in time for some yummy BBQ brisket, and cake and presents. It was fun to see how all of his coworkers really appreciated him, and were really going to miss him. Here are some pictures from the day:

In case you can't read it, the cake says "Happy Retirement You Old Fart!!! Good luck!

John enjoyed spinning around in the office chair
Jerry was going to show him around all the machinery, but John was getting sleepy, and wasn't interested!

It was a lot of fun and some yummy food. Congratulations Jerry on your retirement!

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