Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ron's Promotion

On June 19th, Chris's Company Commander got promoted to Captain, finally!! Ron & Leslie have become good friends of ours, and so it was fun to be able to go and support him/them. Leslie is due with her first baby a week after we are due with our 2nd. We are both really down to earth, and so we get along really well.
It was also really neat to watch a promotion on the officer side, as the only ones that I had been to were of my enlisted friends. There isn't a lot of difference, except the officers have to wear their class A's instead of their ACU's, and the Col gives a little speech about them. Oh, and they have to provide food for the company, something frugal ol' me is not looking forward to when Chris gets promoted!!
Here are some pictures from the event:
Leslie waiting to pin on the new rank

Col Krogh giving his speech
Becoming Captain
The receiving line
Chris & his commander!

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