Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shelby's 5th grade graduation (June 3rd)

On Tuesday evening, June 3rd, apparently the day before school got out, our niece (John's cousin) Shelby had her 5th grade graduation. We enjoyed being there to support her, and she was super excited that we got to come. She adores John. John lasted until the very end, the slideshow, and then got fussy, so Chris took him into the hallway, where he had a deja vu moment. He went into the very same room where he gave a presentation in 12 grade for his drama class. He narrated the story of a person's life, and acted it out. It was fun to see a piece of his history come to life!
I was impressed with all they did for a 5th grade graduation. They had the pledges, the orchestra play, each homeroom teacher got up and introduced their class, and gave each child an award, and they had a slideshow. Wow!! Shelby got an award for how good she did on part of the TAKS. Here are some of the pictures from the evening:

The orchestra playing a number
Shelby getting ready to walk on stage
Receiving her award

The whole class
Cute as a button
Shelby's family
She just had to get a pic holding little John!

We are so proud of her!

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