Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our baby is growing up!

Well today our Johnbug officially turns one! He decided to celebrate the occasion by waking me up at 4:15, right around when I started having contractions with him (My water had broken 45 minutes prior, but I didn't start labor til around then.) It's crazy to think it's been a year since that wonderful day that changed our life. John has grown up so much, and for the most part I think I enjoyed and relished in every change! It is amazing to me that children come into this world so helpless and within a few short months are moving and exploring this world and beginning to try to converse with you to tell you their needs and wants. I love that I get to spend every minute with him, watching him learn and figure things out. It is amazing to me to watch and see the world through a child's eyes. Oh how we get jaded so quickly. I wish I could go back and always see things with such wide eyed wonder and exploration. I love the little joys he gets out of playing in water, throwing a ball and following it, and playing peek a boo. I love to see him smile and hear him giggle, and sometimes we get a full belly laugh, and that just makes the day perfect!! I love his blue eyes so trusting and inquisitive. I love how he sleeps so peacefully. I love how he loves people and will still go to pretty much anyone, albeit sometimes with coaxing! I love how he gets dead set on something/somewhere and won't stop til he gets it/there, even if it's the most random places (ie the middle of the room)! I love how he loves being outside and being a boy, playing in dirt (and eating it), figuring out how tools work, watching daddy mow the yard, picking up sticks and finding little bugs. He is so precious and I can't wait to see what this next year brings, especially as he will soon be a big bro.
I love you my JohnBug!
Here are some pictures that we took from the day:
Hmmm, what shall I do today!

I think I'll help mommy with the dishes

Then, I'll show daddy how I can grill!
Maybe explore Kebap's crate and see if he hid anything in here for me!

I finally get to see the world, and mommy and daddy now that my carseat is facing forward!!
Taco Bueno, my b-day meal!
Life is good!!!

*So, this post was initially started on John's actual b-day, and we had so many plans when daddy got home: turning the carseat around, getting his b-day gifts, cutting his hair, eating out, and maybe a little ice cream! Well, Chris had an extremely rough day emotionally at work, as he was called to ID one of his soldiers who decided to kill himself. So, we didn't get everything done we had wanted to, and I took a mini hiatus from posting to deal with all the emotions (both mind and Chris's) surrounding the event. Through lots of prayer, Chris has been doing very well. Those first couple of weeks were hard to sleep and thus lots of waking in the middle of the night praying, so I'm finally catching back up on sleep. I think I'll leave the post date July 29th, even though it finally will show up a month and a half later to read! The next few posts will show the rest of the b-day week, and the fun we had!

1 comment:

Thinking With Sound said...

Aw:) He is so adorable and the pictures don't do his adorable smile justice:)