Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Moving on up!!

Well, remember how in the last post, I mentioned that my parents were trying to teach John how to crawl. They were doing so, b/c he would get so frustrated trying to reach and grab an item that was out of his reach. Well, just a day later, he decided he would do it his own way. He decided army crawling would be the way to go. I guess he looks up to his dad more than we knew!! :o)

I thought for the longest time that he was just going to go from army crawling to walking and never crawl normally, until the middle of June when we were outside hanging up clothes, and John decided it was too difficult to army crawl over the tall grass, so onto hands and knees he went, (which before was only done to get to the sitting position) and started moving forward inch by inch. He gradually would do more and more trying it out in all locations, but army crawling was still the preferred method, particularly if he needed to get somewhere fast.

By the end of June John has perfected hands & knees crawling and gets everywhere fast. He also has begun to pull up to standing on everything that will hold him.
Sorry, this one is a wee bit dark. I tried to catch him in the act of crawling and realized halfway through videoing that the hallway was dark!

He absolutely loves water as shown in these two clips. Whenever he sees Kebap's dish on the ground he immediately wants down to go play in it. He has graduated from just playing with his hand in it, to picking it up and dumping it everywhere. Kebap now has to learn to drink when John is sleeping, otherwise the water is up and out of the way, save for a random day when either there's not much water, or the floor is clean, or he's wearing clothes that aren't white!!

John displaying some of his new tricks. He learned how to make the noise with his hand in Galveston over Memorial Day, and has since perfected his pulling up abilities.

I wish I had panned out to show you how incredibly far he really traveled. This room was enormous! It was a ballroom and he crawled from one side to the other to reach me. Actually very shortly after this long crawl he started hands and knees crawling.

1 comment:

Jennifer Owens said...

Before you know it, he'll be walking! What a big boy - miss you guys!!